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President's Letter November 2023

Stephen Lanford | Published on 11/7/2023

The holidays are fast approaching, and everyone I know is busier than ever. This is a good thing, I think. I know that every year at this time, the demands on my time increase both as a husband, father, and co-worker, but also as an artist. I have to find a way to make sure that I do not neglect my time in the studio, and that can be hard to balance. Let me know if you struggle with this too!

Your MSW board is busy as well. This past Saturday, we organized an additional Paint-In facilitated by Carol Canino. Carol did a fantastic job guiding us in painting whimsical holiday cards and gift tags. She also shared these gifts with those of you who joined us on Zoom. Thank you for your continued contribution, Carol! This was the first time we Zoomed a Paint-In!” I think it went very well. I hope we have enough interest to keep this going. Let me know what you think, and if this is a member benefit that you value.

This Thursday, November 8th, we are introducing our “Working Artist Initiative.” Bridgett Kasten is doing a wonderful job building the program. It is a discussion panel held over Zoom and is purposeful in supporting the MSW community. Carrie Waller has graciously agreed to be our first guest artist speaker. The WAI will connect artists with the most experience to those who want to learn or have questions about their watercolor journey. This is an opportunity for each of us to share knowledge, insights, and know-how. 'Working Artist' simply means that you are sincerely working on your art. All you need is an interest in growing as an artist and curiosity about that process. The WAI is for members only and is of no cost to you.

I want to announce that Lyn Whaley is stepping down as our OpenExhibition Chair. Lyn has been an invaluable part of the MSW board.We all owe her a debt of gratitude for her years of service. Thank you for your dedication, Lyn! She has recommended Kim Perkins for this position. Kim has agreed to take over from Lyn as Chair of the OpenExhibition Committee, and Suzzette Patterson has agreed to take over as Co-Chair. I thank them both.

Look for new announcements in the future. We are working hard to grow MSW and to provide more member benefits. As we do, please keep in mind that we need volunteers to fill positions on the board as well as serve on committees. We are a nonprofit organization and as such, we depend on every one of our members to help us keep things running. Some of the positions we currently need to fill are Chair of our Educational and Community Outreach, Co-Chair of our Workshop Committee, Co-Chair for our Ways and Means Committee, and committee members to help on most of our Committees. We are also in need of an archivist and historian. If you are unsure where you fit in, I am always happy to talk with you and help find the perfect fit.

Please consider volunteering! We are growing! It is an exciting time to be part of MSW!

I recently ran across an article and video by Eric Yi Lin. It is about mixing colors and how big apart neutrals and grays can play.I’ve included the link hereI hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and I wish all possible blessings to you all!

Take care, be well, and keep painting!

Stephen Lanford
President MSW