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Working Artist Initiative

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Kathryn Wedge NYC Distance

A Place to Thrive

Working Artist Initiative (WAI) is free to all members in good standing. Once a quarter we will host a 45 to 60 minute Zoom gathering with a special guest speaker who is passionate about watercolor. The typical format will have the guest speaker share some of their experience followed by member questions. The WAI is intended to be a helpful and supportive resource to our members because we believe the best answers come from those who share similar stories and goals. Not only will you be inspired and encouraged by the guest speaker but will also be able to foster relationships with fellow watercolorists who are on the same journey.

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

Trends in watercolor, Sizing digital photos of artwork, Marketing online, National Competitions, Start-up selling artwork, Packaging & mailing paintings, Prints of artwork, Feeling “stuck”; no creativity, New hacks, color theories, new material recommendations, Conducting demonstrations and teaching workshops, Ins and Outs of Gallery Representation, Your Artist Website; Set one Up, Artist Statement, Artist Commissions, Art Festivals and Plein Air Festival participation - advantages, Solo & Group Exhibitions, Press & Media: Get your name & work out to the public

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