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Lynn Ferris "Capturing the Light" Workshop

Published on 3/11/2020

50th Annual Juried Exhibition Juror - Lynn Ferris NWS, AWS

In her signature  workshop “Capturing the Light,” Lynn taught students how to use light and shadow to design stronger compositions and bring drama to a variety of subject matter. Students learned new skills and confidence working with shadows, light sources, creating glow, and more.  Lynn provided handouts, reference materials, and gave lots of personal attention.

"What a wonderful group of entries with a wide range of artistic viewpoints, including some truly exceptional paintings.When judging I consider several things: Strong composition is essential. This is the element that first draws the viewer in to take a closer look. It creates a framework of design. Next, I look for the artist’s voice; what they are trying to convey. This is the narrative and perhaps the most elusive element. It can be something as simple as the pure beauty of a landscape or as interpretive as the emotional impression of an abstract. Some paintings I chose had similar subject matter, but each had a unique artistic vision. The artist also needs the technical skill to successfully express that point of view. Finally, a painting should engage the viewer and compel them to continue looking at it.There is work in this exhibit that I didn’t want to stop looking at. 

Thank you for having me as your juror for this exhibition."

Lynn Ferris
Workshop Spring 2020: Lynn Ferris